(Or Frexie, Celeste, etc..)

Nonbinary + Polyamorous Lesbian!

Indonesian Artist (well. sometimes!)
I have alot of interests! But my main ones are Twst, Food fantasy, Elsword and Arknights.

Additional info:
I don't self-ship with the exception of Mizuki from Arknights (Sorry I'm a loser..) but you can talk about your self-ships to me!! #ally
I'm muslim! If Ive done something wrong please DM me about it so I can correct myself, Feel free to DM me about any of my interests ^^ I always have DM requests on. I usually follow back! PLEASE SB WHEN UNFOLLOWING IF WE ARE MUTUALS!!
(Though, note, I probably wont follow back if your profile has butterflies in it since its a huge trigger for me.. sorry)


- Butterflies
(Simplistic OK!)
- Harm to the throat
(Tag as Neck injury!)


I am spammy (sorry...)I am NOT in any specific twt! (I just tweet what I like) and I make alot of jokes at times and I cant tell if some make other people uncomfy or not.. so tell me if a joke I said rubbed off the wrong way!I have a lot of friends, some might like some specific characters / media / etc. That doesn't mean I like what they like though!I talk with this user "mimi" alot and while it might seem like we actually hate eachother with a burning passion I assure you we're friends.Please dont interact if you fit the usual DNI criteria (racist, proship, transphobic, islamophobic, homophobic, etc) thank you! always!